Constructed with a robust, wireless transparent ABS plastic material, this lightweight, low-profile enclosure is designed to integrate wireless devices into traditional structured wiring installations. The enclosure mounts easily for both surface and recessed applications.,, The hinged door and trim ring ENP4260-NA (ENP4260-5NA Bulk Pack) purchased separately to complete installation during trim-out phase.
Feature and Benefits
- Output is sent to a TV channel that can be distributed via the cable distribution system to all of the TVs in the home
- Universal mounting grid maximizes compatibility with 3rd party products without additional brackets.
- Installs into a single stud bay and has staggered mounting tabs allow multiple enclosures to mount in adjacent stud bays
- Tapered design allows enclosures to stack for efficient transportation and warehousing
- Top surface includes five 2'' knockouts: rubber grommets available for purchase (AC1034)
- Bottom surface includes two AC receptacle box knockouts and two 1 1/4'' knockouts
- Compatible for both surface or recessed mounting applications
- UL listed.