


  1. How do I view cameras on a computer?
    Smart PSS software is a CMS (Central Management System) that allows users to add multiple cameras / recorders on one software and view them on one screen. The software is available for PC and MAC computers. Click Here to view downloads page

  2. How do I pull up footage/playback on a computer?
    Smart PSS Software will give you the ability to review recorded footage from a computer. This allows for users to look back at events that have occurred and save the footage. Keeping recorded data can be necessary for solving criminal cases, helping in law suits, proving crimes, and much more. Click Here to download the guide

  3. How do I save footage on a computer?
    Backing up footage from a computer can be accomplished by using the Smart PSS computer software. Download the instructions. Click Here

  4. How do I program/install app on my phone/tablet?
    On the user’s phone/tablet download iDMSS for iPhone or gDMSS for Android from the playstore. Click Here to download the setup instruction for remote view on your phone/tablet.

  5. How do I view playback on my phone/tablet?
    1. Download and install the DMSS App (iDMSS for iPhone and gDMSS for Android)
    2. Once the app is open navigate the camera selection of the app from the home page.
    3. Then navigate to the main menu of the app, and select Device Manager. (use the device manage section to add the recorder to the app)
    4. After the device has been added open the main menu of the app back up and navigate to the “Playback” selection.

    Way 1:

    5. Next tap on one of the “+” button in one of the channel views.
    6. In the pop up menu select a start time and date and an end time and date. Next select the “Record type” it is suggested to search for “All”. The user can search for up to 72 hours.
    7. Next select all the cameras from the recorder under the “Device” selection.
    8. Click on “Start Playback” at the bottom of the popup menu.

    The user can use the time bar at the bottom to fast forward and rewind by sliding the time bar left and right.
    The app only allows for play back of up to 4 channels at a time. Just above the time bar the user has a set of play controls that allow for slow down, play, stop pause, fast forward, and skip. Users can not back up efficiently from the cell phone.