IQ Pro Plastic Cabinet, Verizon SRF:433 + PowerG:915
Zone Configuration Up to 128, fully supervised 41 sensor groups
Addressable Zones Up to Panel Max using HSM3105 Expander for MX addressable technology
Hardwired Zones Normally Closed, Normally Open, SEOL, DEOL
8 zones on board Expandable to Panel Max using HSM2108 up to Panel Max
Wireless Zones PowerG: 915 Mhz Long Range Secure Encrypted 2-Way Wireless
Z-Wave: Available Soon
PowerG radio modem operates in 912-919 MHz band (long range, secure encrypted two-way wireless)
Wireless Keys Supports up to 32 wireless remote keys
Panic Pendant Up to 120
Programmable Outputs 4 onboard, 128